Online Documentation Amiga Formula One

GPLogFiler Documentation

GPLogFiler 1.1

This is the documentation of GPLogFiler, the MUI reader of f1gp logfiles.
Program and document are copyright 1998,1999 by Argyris Maistralis.






MUI is Copyright by Stefan Stuntz.



GPLogFiler was created as an alternative of AGPLap and it is supposed to
make handling of f1gp logfiles easier. I have used the Magic User interface,
file requesters and multyple viewing windows to make a user frieldly program.

However GPLogFiler can not record a new logfile. It only loads and saves
logfiles created by AGPLapTime. This is because it does not patch the f1gp in
order to record a race. Such patching code will not be added in the future,
but it may utilize AGPLapTime to do so.




MUI is Copyright by Stefan Stuntz.
NList MUI custom class is Copyright by Gilles Masson.
AGPLapTime is Copyright by Rene Smit.



GPLogFiler requires at least an Amiga with OS-2.01 to run. You must 
also have MUI 3.8 and the NList custom class installed on your system.

It doesn't take too much memory to run, but you may need more memory to
load many logfiles at the same time. I have no feedback yet, whether is
left enough memory for GPLogFiler to run when f1gp and/or other f1gp
utilities are running on a low memory Amiga.



There is not an installer script in the archive yet, so you must do it
manually. Just unpack it in the directory you want the GPLogFiler directory
to reside, or use a directory utility to copy only the files you need.



GPLogFiler is a very user friendly utility based on MUI to make life with
f1gp logfiles easier. This first version supports only the very basic,
but GPLogFiler will hopefully expand.

Please note that you cannot record an f1gp race with GPLogFiler. You have
to use AGPLapTime to do this.

The amiga-os locale system is supported to make translation in other languages
possible. Only three languages are available in this first release but I 
hope that many other translators will contact me.



GPLogFiler is very easy to use and all functions are self explained. Since
MUI is being used, the usual amiga style is present. All the strings used
in GPLogFiler can be customized or translated using the locale support.

Windows are open dynamically when needed, and everything is unsynchronous
except for the file requestors. Dialog windows are also used to inform or
ask the user to confirm an action.

There are 2 basic type of windows used in GPLogFiler:

  Main Window     
  Log View Window 
  Comment Window  

Main Window

Main Window

This is the window open when the program is ran, and it's used to control
the logfiles as individuals or as groups. It consists of a listview, a
control panel and a menu associated with them.

Each logfile loaded in memory, is displayed on the listview with some
information about it. The info fields of the listview are:

Filename: The filename of the logfile.
Date:     The datestamp of the file on disk.
Size:     It's size in bytes. It's always a multiple of 44.
Sessions: The number of different sessions in the logfile. Also the track
          is displayed when all session are on the same track.
Drivers:  The number of human and computer drivers in the logfile. Drivers
          with in different sessions but with the same number and name are
          counted only once.
Status:   The current status of the logfile.
Comment:  The comment associated with the file on disk.

The buttons on the control panel are:

Load new: Load a new logfile in memory using a file requester. This will
          occupy a new place on the listview.
Save:     Save the selected logfiles on disk. A new filename can also be
Remove:   Remove the selected logfiles from memory and close the log view
          windows associated with them.
Clear:    Remove all logfiles from memory and close all log view windows.
View Log: Open Log view windows, with the logs of the selected logfiles
          displayed on them.
Export:   Export the log contents to a text file.
Comment:  Allows you to set a comment for the logfile. (This is an
          Amiga-OS file comment.)

Menu consists of the following items:

Project:           The usual general stuff.
    Iconify:        The usual iconifying action.
    About:          Copyright and some other info.
    About MUI:      The usual MUI about information.
    Quit:           Exit GPLogFiler.
Logfile:           Actions to be performed on logfiles.
    Load New:       Same as the control panel one.
    Save:           Same as the control panel one.
    Remove:         Same as the control panel one.
    Clear:          Same as the control panel one.
    View Log:       Same as the control panel one.
    Export to file: Same as Export on the control panel.
    Comment:        Same as the control panel one.
Settings:          Set GPLogFiler to your preferences.
    MUI:            The usual MUI environment settings.

Log View Window

Log View Window

The log of an opened logfile is displayed in this window. Only one log
view window can be opened for each log file.

More details about the information displayed in this window will appear
in this section in a future version of GPLogFiler. Look at the AGPLap
documentation instead.

Comment Window

Comment Window

This window allows you to change the comment of one or more logfiles.

There are a string gadget and four buttons. You may type the
comment in the string gadget and press return or 'OK' to set it.
You can skip a selected logfile with 'Skip' or press 'All' to
set the same comment for the remaining selected logfiles.
You can stop anytime by closing the window or pressing 'Abort'.



GPLogFiler produces output similar to AGPLap. However there are some
small differences between them. Some of these may extinct in the future
but other won't.

These major differences are:
  -GPLogFiler sorts drivers of a non race session by fastest lap time
   (on the results section), while AGPLap sorts them by leading laps.
  -The average pit stop time differs in some rare cases.

GPLogFiler does not support any command line arguments yet, so all those
AGPLap options such as the -w usage with AGPLapTime are not possible.



Version 1.1
   Bug fixes and minor improvements:
     -Fixed a link time bug and cleaned up the code.
     -Now the code is more object oriented - easy to expand.
     -Now the executable is smaller.
     -Fixed a bug that forced requesters to always open on workbench.
     -Windows are now refreshed even when an asl requester is open.
     -Fixed a bug with localized menus.
     -The improved NList class is now being used.
     -Log files can now be sorted in many ways.
     -Added a new 'status of log file' column.
     -Added 'export to file' feature.
     -Added 'number of logfiles loaded' inticator.
     -Now you can change the comment of logfiles.
     -Added a 'remove all files' confimation.
     -Spanish translation now available.

Version 1.0
   The first public release. Main features:
     -User friendly MUInterface.
     -Use of file requesters.
     -Loading, viewing and saving several logfiles at the same time.



Many things could be added to GPLogFiler. It's improvement will depend 
on my spare time. I have many things in mind on expanding GPLogFiler
but if you have any more ideas or suggestions, feel free to tell me.

Here is a short list of what I would like to implement:
   Major features:
     -Mixing and striping functions.
     -External use of AGPLapTime to record running f1gp races.
     -Handling of single sessions included in a multi-session logfile.
     -Configuration window to choose, use and save preferences.
     -A kind of folder database for log files.
   Minor features:
     -Use of filters in the logviews to allow users inspect them easily.
     -More confirmation requests when removing files.
     -Information window with overal statistics.
     -Loading logfiles by drag and drop into GPLogFiler's window.
     -Attaching icons to saved logfiles.
     -Custom column arrangement.
     -Exporting logs in html format.
     -Some additional statistics for every session.
     -Optional use of locale strings for track names.



If you have any suggestions, or simply want to say you liked it (or not),
write an e-mail to my address:
My homepage is at 

The latest version of GPLogFiler will be available at the above address
and on Aminet.

If anyone is willing to translate GPLogFiler to his language, please contact
for more information.



Many thanks go to the following people:

-Rene Smit for making loging of f1gp races possible.
-Geoff Crammond and MicroProse for creating F1GP, the greatest amiga
 formula one game ever.
-Oliver Roberts for keeping f1gp up to date with F1GP-Ed.
-Markus Kruggel, the administrator of the challenging Internet Amiga
 F1GP Championship.
-Robert Wilson, the new HoF administrator.

-The beta testers for their corrections and suggestions: Hendrik Mehl,
 Ross Kirk, Oliver Roberts, Ignacio Garcia Cuadrado and Alan Strang.

-The translators of GPLogFiler:
    Greek catalog by me.
    German catalog by Hendrik Mehl.
    Spanish catalog by Ignacio Garcia Cuadrado.

F1GP Utilities


AGPLapTime, AGPLap, AGPLapD and AGPLapMix are the original logfile
creators and viewers written by Rene Smit and Grant Reeve.

They can be found on Aminet.


                          This application uses

                        MUI - MagicUserInterface

                (c) Copyright 1992-97 by Stefan Stuntz

MUI is a system to generate and maintain graphical user interfaces. With
the  aid  of  a  preferences program, the user of an application has the
ability to customize the outfit according to his personal taste.

MUI is distributed as shareware. To obtain a complete package containing
lots of examples and more information about registration please look for
a  file  called  "muiXXusr.lha"  (XX means the latest version number) on
your local bulletin boards or on public domain disks.

          If you want to register directly, feel free to send

                         DM 30.-  or  US$ 20.-


                             Stefan Stuntz
                        Eduard-Spranger-Straße 7
                             80935 München

             Support and online registration is available at


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